Damarionas – Citron preserve (spoon sweet)

Damarionas – Citron preserve (spoon sweet)


  • 1 kg citron peel
  • 1 kg white sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • juice of 1 lemon


Wash the citron well, scouring the peel lightly. Remove the peels and slice into thin strips.
Boil the peels three times for a few minutes, changing the water in order to soften them and remove any bitterness.
Place in a covered container with water for two days, changing the water at least twice a day. Drain and dry off on a paper towel.
Boil the sugar in the water in a deep saucepan for 10 minutes and add the citron peels. Boil for a few more minutes until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and add the lemon juice to taste.

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