My Schinoussa: Tranquility of the Incrediblue …

My Schinoussa: Tranquility of the Incrediblue …

Elenie Markouli is an English teacher and member of the Cultural Association of Schinoussa. A tourist guide aboard the sea bus “Aeolia” in the summer months, she has origins from the island, but grew up and lives in Athens the remainder of the year.

The 5 top things I love most about Schinoussa are:

# 1 The Tranquil Landscape

“The quiet beauty of the island gives you the opportunity to take a step back and enjoy the seeds of nature and time. Despite the fact that Schinoussa is a small island, there is always a place in which to isolate yourself to feel peace and tranquility.”

# 2 The People

”People greet you on the street and ask how you are, and in their own way they make you a part of their team. You don’t feel that you are intruding, but that you belong. You become part of their lives.”

# 3 The Seasons

“Every season has its own beauty. The seasonal changes in nature are very apparent: the colors, the smells. The wintry wind makes you realize how small man is, evoking a sense of having to wait without feeling guilty because you simply cannot do otherwise. You appreciate the rain because it will help the harvest. Spring’s colors everywhere makes you not want to stay home. Summer’s madness is full of vitality with the sea being its king!

# 4 The Visitors

”Being on Schinoussa affords us the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Being a small island, it’s very easy to make friends with people who have come from afar. In this way, we learn about different cultures and how other people from other countries perceive things. It has been very interesting.”

# 5 The Sea

”The sea is my great love. On Schinoussa, no matter what the weather is, how many people are on the island,  you will always find a place to enjoy the sea. The surrounding islands create a sense of security allowing you to rejoice in a swim and the tranquility of the.. ‘incrediblue’.”

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