My Schinoussa:
 The Island’s Energy

My Schinoussa:
 The Island’s Energy

Rita Mourtzi, a translator whose family comes from Schinoussa, grew up in Athens. Having lived in various countries around the world she has, in recent years, chosen to spend a large part of her time (5-6 months at least) on the island. She shares five of her favorite things about Schinoussa:

# 1 The People

“Their simplicity, kindness and their interaction with you make you feel like you belong to one big family.”

# 2 The Energy

“I am never able to put into words what I feel, but I feel it! The island has a special energy. Here you feel things more intensely, differently. Something small, that otherwise in life would go unnoticed, here you understand and realize it differently.”

# 3 The Pace

“The pace of life here is more relaxed, and far removed from the hectic pace of the city. If you didn’t get the chane to do something today, simply do it tomorrow.”

# 4 Serenity and Tranquility

“The feeling of calm is one-of-a-kind. The beautiful scenery fulfills you every day!”

# 5 Contact with Nature

“As someone who has lived in the city, I was quick to appreciate the contact with nature that local residents might consider a given. The fact that I can collect fresh eggs every morning, go fishing, look after my garden, pick fruit straight from the trees and step out out of the door of my house for a swim …  is unique!”

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