Feast of Traditional Olive Oil Extraction in Damalas

Feast of Traditional Olive Oil Extraction in Damalas

Olive trees are to be found all over Naxos, and the importance placed by locals on their cultivation is tremendous.

The number of olive trees on Naxos amount to over 270,000. The majority of these are located in the Tragea valley.

New and old olive presses, allowing visitors to observe the olive oil extraction process, exist in various villages.

This traditional process is turned into a feast at the village of Damalas, where anyone interested may take part every year, usually between late January and early February.

Once the work is done, local culinary delights and wine are offered to all, accompanied by traditional music.

Directions for access The olive mill is near the center of the village. Access is via steps.
Parking Parking space is available.

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